Are you just dying to see IT?  What is IT?   IT is the BRAND spankin’ NEW Stampin’ Up! Catalog!  It is spectacular!!!!


I just returned from Atlanta at our OnStage convention event this past weekend and one of the PERKS for demonstrators that are in attendance is the reveal of our new catalog and we get it in our hot little hands!  We chomp at the bit waiting until they disperse these beauties right at the beginning and after announcements!  It is got inside it a wealth of goodness!!! You are going to LOVE it just as much as me, I JUST know it because there’s a little something for every taste and style!!!

I will be mailing out to by the end of the month for those that have shopped with me this year as I have your info!  I can’t wait for you to get it!!!

For those that have not shopped with me and don’t have a demonstrator you work with, I’d be most happy to get one in the mail to you, just email me your contact info and I’ll also be dropping inside a little treat card for you, too!  YOU NEED this goodness as there’s so many new products and surprises in it that I’m in love with and I want to SHARE it with all of you!!!!!!!!!

Stampin’ Up! will be celebrating 30 YEARS in November 2018!  We have been revved AND ramped up since last November getting ready for it!!  The company was founded by two sisters in their living room 30 WHOLE years ago!  WOWSER BOWSERS!  🙂

Their dream was realized with super quality products/stamps/card stock, etc that are next to NONE.  Truly fabulous products in every way and the support to their demo’s (that’s moi!) and our customers is exceptional!!!  It is an honor to be a part of this company in so many ways, I would be writing my post for days to tell you my WHY for jumping on board this amazing train, because it has been a wonderful, heart filled journey into stamp land, craft land and meeting all the outstanding people along the way on the journey with me! The support we receive as demonstrators representing this fine, successful company is astounding.  I pass this support along to you as my customers, my awesome team, and everyone or anyone interested in what this stamping gig is all about! 🙂 It’s my love. 🙂

As the motto states on the catalog below, LOVE it, LIVE it, SHARE it!  It sums up my true whole feelings for this paper crafting passion I have, no better place to hang my hat with than Stampin’ UP!  Would love to share the adventure with YOU!  Let’s have a chit chat if you’d like to know more, get your grubs on this hot little thing EARLY as a demonstrator (It will be in the hands of customers in May, but customers cannot order (insert sad face) until JUNE 1!!!  I just placed my preorder a few days ago and it’s arriving tomorrow!  A perk for being a demonstrator and it’s so much fun!  No waiting!!! Just think you could do it with me and we could be giddy TOGETHER! 🙂

I want to also share with you the brand new 2018-2020 IN COLORS!  They’re stunning and FUN and lovely and awesome!

Here ya go!

Aren’t they gorgeous!  I really am SO excited to start inking up with them as soon as tomorrow!  (the UPS sweet man will be knocking on my door early afternoon and I’ll get to dive into that sweet box and get these beautiful new In colors pads!) As you see on the right are our 2017-2019 IN Colors and those get to be with us another year!  YAY hoo!  Mountain DEW! They’re so pretty, my fav I think is Berry Burst! 🙂

NEW IN COLORS!    Let me tell you, when I saw them with my own two eyes at OnStage in Atlanta this past weekend, they are LUSH!  Right now, I can’t pick my FAVORITE!  They all coordinate with each other and look fabulous!  Blueberry Bushel is an outstanding BLUE if you love blues.  LOVELY LIPSTICK, well, I just want to eat that one.  It’s so rich and lush.  (my favorite new word to use indefinitely)!

Grapefruit Grove is sweet and light actually and will blend with so many in our other color families!  Pineapple PUNCH packs a PUNCH!  haha!  It is vibrant and pops a wow card or WOW project!  Call me Clover (p.s. call me EXCITED!) is also a rich hue for a green, but yet carries undertones of “subtle.”  It will be delightful for trees and the upcoming holidays!

I am going to just let you soak all this goodness in for today!  We can’t reveal whats INSIDE our Brand NEW Catty due to SU policy until June 1st.  I will start showing projects soon with all the SUPER FUN and gorgeous and wonderful products in May!  I’m already started on so many as we got as prizes some amazing new stamp sets and products to go with them!  Another PERK when you’re on board this amazing train ride! Crafty bliss!  to the max.

Thankful for you, grateful you stop by and take part in my little everyday paper crafting passion!

Take care and see you tomorrow!

As always hugs to you and your stampin’ heart, from mine to YOURS!  xoxo
